Are you no stranger to waking up in the morning feeling extremely tired? Despite achieving the recommended 7 to 8 hours of sleep, do grogginess and disorientation continue to weigh you down in the morning? If these phenomena sound all too familiar, you may be undergoing the effects of sleep inertia.
This experience can be debilitating for some, for not only does it last for hours, but it also causes poor cognitive performance, thereby hindering your daily productivity. The good news is, this sluggish feeling which follows immediately after waking is extremely common – it is an inevitable part of your sleep cycle as you transition from sleep to wakefulness – and can be quickly remediated.
According to experts, changing bedtime habits and lifestyle adjustments is enough to do the trick. So if you are looking to get rid of the morning grogginess and ensure maximum productivity for the day, allow us to share more about the various solutions to resolving this issue and improving your sleep experience.
Reaching for a cup of joe in the morning to perk you up is an excellent way to increase your alertness and help you to feel more awake. There is a reason why indulging in coffee in the morning is tremendously effective. Caffeine influences the effect of adenosine, a chemical that promotes sleep. Hence, many individuals endorse this habit to boost their energy levels.
When you are tired, adenosine circulates through your body in high amounts, which is why you feel the urge to hit the sack. However, caffeine works by blocking the adenosine receptors in the brain, thus increasing wakefulness and alertness. This is a wonderful solution to battling the drowsiness caused by sleep inertia and why many often need a cup of coffee to start their day.
However, it is recommended that you only consume caffeine in the morning. After which, sleep experts advise avoiding drinking coffee at least six hours before bed. This is because too much caffeine can keep you up at night, and you will find it hard to drift off to sleep. Additionally, it can also reduce your sleep quality.
Making sure your bedroom is the perfect sleep oasis is essential in attaining a good night’s rest. It also ensures you enter a peaceful slumber without experiencing any discomfort or disturbances throughout the night. On the other hand, if your living space is unconducive, it can cause you to wake up abruptly and worsen sleep inertia in the morning.
Hence, making a few tweaks to upgrade your sleep environment is necessary to avoid encountering prolonged sleep inertia the following day. For instance, you can consider purchasing new pillows or mattresses from a reliable mattress shop in Singapore if your current bedding accessories are worn out.
At Four Star, our best-selling DETENSE | ArcticSilk® Advanze Aire Flex™ mattresses are built with revolutionary Japanese technology to guarantee you a comfortable night of rest. Made with natural latex, the beds contour to your body shape and support the curvature of your spine. With proper spinal support, your blood circulation is improved, relieving any discomfort you experience while asleep.
Did you know that taking naps during the day is beneficial in rejuvenating and providing you with an energy boost after a poor night’s rest? Studies have found that power naps offer multiple health benefits, such as reducing stress and enhancing one’s cognitive functioning and efficacy.
However, most people tend to nap for hours during the day, thinking it makes up for the previous night’s lack of sleep. On the contrary, these prolonged naps interfere with your sleep cycle. When you nap for hours on end, you end up feeling sluggish after waking up as your circadian rhythm is already preparing you for deep sleep. As such, this can significantly worsen your sleep inertia.
Additionally, you may face trouble falling asleep at night. Not only does this alter the quality of your slumber, but you will also not get enough rest, which leads to another problem – sleep deprivation. So rather than napping for hours on end, sleep experts advise limiting yourself to short 20 to 30-minute power naps in the early afternoon for optimal results.
We cannot emphasise the importance of sticking to a consistent sleep schedule. Your sleep hygiene – or lack thereof – can make or break the quality and amount of rest you get each night. In the long run, it can drastically impact your overall well-being. Therefore, it is crucial for you to implement a solid sleep schedule to maintain your body’s circadian rhythm, ensuring you wake up feeling refreshed.
Additionally, you would want to create a night-time routine that is tailored to your needs and chronotype. Sticking to your internal body clock will help you be ready for sleep or be awake at a designated time, allowing you to get the rest you need and reduce morning grogginess. This will also help you stay committed to the practice and easily kick any bad sleeping habits.
We hope the tried-and-tested solutions we have shared can help you to ward off sleep inertia and enhance your sleep experience for the better. This change will do wonders in boosting your health. Moreover, upgrading your living space and adding in the crucial necessities can elevate your sleep experience, thereby improving work productivity and performance.
At Four Star, we carry a wide selection of bedroom furnishings such as premium latex mattresses and other bedding accessories – all of which are designed to promote sleep. So if you are ready to transform your bedroom into an optimal sleep haven, you can browse our extensive catalogue online or come down to our Four Star showroom and view our products first-hand!