With the eased restrictions, more workers can go back to their offices to work. Since some employees are still allowed to work from home and only go back to the office a minimum number of times per week, it may be hard for your body clock to keep up with switching between WFH and the regular back-to-office schedule.
You may have to constantly readjust the amount of rest you can get for a good night’s sleep, and if we are being honest, it may become very tiring after a while. With your body being used to your WFH routine by now, shifting back to having to wake up earlier to go down to your office may pose a challenge.
Despite the difficulties of readjusting to your previous routine, there are a few simple ways that you can help to curb the issues or better manage them. Here are some that we recommend that you try first.
Creating a list of things you aim to complete by the end of your workday allows you to gauge whether you will be able to finish your work in time. It may seem very tempting to keep continuing to do your tasks even when work hours may be over when working from home.
Working overtime may disrupt your schedule as you may not even realise how long you have been working. If you need to return to your office the day after your WFH, you may not be able to get a sufficient amount of sleep since you would need to wake up earlier. By simply writing down a schedule you can work with on a notepad, your phone or laptop, you have a simple visual reminder of when to stop for the day.
Avoiding overworking can be a simple step towards having a fixed working time you should follow to focus on your well-being. Constantly working after hours may create lasting impacts on yourself, and you should find a way to cut the inefficient habit.
Eating is how we can stay energised throughout the day, but when you need to turn in after a long day of work, that is when you should stay away from overeating.
When it is nighttime, your body’s functions will be slower than in the day as it prepares itself for bedtime. Slower bodily functions include your digestive system slowing down, so eating before you sleep is unhealthy as you would not be able to digest your meal properly.
Knowing when to stop eating for the day impacts your sleeping schedule. Suppose you feel too stuffed to sleep; that is just more hours off your sleep time. We recommend that you go to bed three hours after dinner so that your body feels comfortable enough for a good night’s rest.
They say that consistency is key – going to bed at the same time every night is one of the best ways to adjust your body clock for your mixed WFH and back-to-office- routines. It may feel tempting to stay up the night before a WFH day, but you should avoid doing so.
A regular bedtime can also provide you with excellent benefits for your mental health and mind. You can improve your memory and maintain better attention during the day, all by sleeping at a consistent time. This means that you can perform better at work and be more productive with your tasks.
If you have trouble sleeping at night, perhaps it is time to get a new mattress, like our chiro care mattress, to ensure your back feels comfortable. Feeling the most relaxed and sleeping like a baby in no time will help you feel more ready to face the workday when you wake up in the morning.
Maintaining a proper sleep schedule for whatever work arrangements you have is vital for your mind and body. Everyone knows that sleep is essential, so it is up to you to decide what would be the best way to get enough hours of rest.
The mattress that you sleep on can play a vital role in whether you can go to bed comfortably or not, which is why Four Star is here to help you. Our Chiro+ mattresses offer you orthopaedic back support to give your posture the best care possible. Its Hexa-Coil spring system ensures durability and the best spinal support you can get.
Take charge of your well-being by maintaining a good bedtime schedule and find out more about how our products can help you today. Four Star will be here, supporting you always.